Thursday, February 26, 2009


The calling is almost constant the past few days. Zips and zaps of energy twinkle through.

I can't slip the feeling that I could reach out into the invisible and grab the thread. It's almost as if I can see or touch my "SITBR". Fromt he pings and dings it can't always be when they are asleep.

My comfort is that someplace somebody is going bonkers the same way I am.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Calling, Calling, Callling

Just when my ability to explain the feel of being "called" fades; the calling resumes.

Last night the cosmic 'long distance wire' hooked itself back up and dialed me up again. Every nerve lit up, radiating out from the center of my body, tingling and snapping with sensation. Like standing barefoot on an exposed electric wire. From reflex I doubled up. I landed in the chair I had just stood up from. Every nerve kept humming for another minute or longer. It didn't hurt, it was more like varying stages of ecstacy. My eyes lost focus, I started panting for breath. The usual name left my lips.

I have a name in mind, it may be right or wrong but I called it out.

Where ever they were, the caller got the same jolt as I did. I'm sure of it.

Looking at my description it sounds very helpless and small. I know this is not an epileptic episode, I'm awake and aware through it all. It's not a reaction to stress, it's different.

Sometimes the call manifests itself in the feeling of being "tapped" or touched on the abdomen or somewhere else near the center of the body.

I know I need to journey and see what else I can find out about my caller. It's a mystery and it's a certainty at the same time. I want to connect directly in they physcial world. I'm also not sure that's meant to happen. If I have any input, I want it if it's for the best good.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

How did that happen without me noticing?

Sometimes I run around in circles trying to get the "todo" list done and don't see the obvious.

Last spring, when I first saw the sleeper, I was in the process of having the interior of my house painted. The master bedroom had fresh plasterwork done and needed painting in July. By then I was so tired of picking out colors and doing interior design that I let go and got relaxed about what color to choose. I picked up a "summary" paint card with thirty shades on it and picked the first one that drew my eye.

Last night it finally dawned on me that I chose the exact shade and tone of the "blue room". If the sleeper sees me when I am asleep they will see a room much like the one I see but with the furnishings turned a different way.

Odd and yet not to go 7 months without realizing why I picked such a peculiar shade.

In the months of November and December I felt less of a call and had almost no dreams. Now that spring has sprung, I'm begining to get pinged again. I don't know whether to chalk this up to renewed activity or me missing the influence.

Once I thought that the "sleeper" and I were destined to meet and adventure together. Then I began to wonder if that was correct. Now I'm questioning the situation again.

My shaman friend tells me that sometimes we work with others subconsciously in the "dreamtime". She also tells me that some people that appeared to her through the dreamtime are now an everyday part of her physical world life.

That thought makes me smile. It would be amazing and lovely.

Note: I do not want to use the first name I have in my head for my "sleeper". I may be wrong about the name. "Sleeper In the Blue Room" or "Dreamer In The Blue Room" seems like an awful lot to type and read repeatedly. From here on out my "Sleeper" will be abbreviated "SIBR". So,yest, "Sibber", I'm still looking for you. :)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Death & The Sleeper in the Blue Room

Posts have been scarce lately. I find it so hard to tell the story of the "Sleeper in the Blue Room" up to this point. It's a bit odd and then again not at all unusual that an average Christian gets the call to journey through the dreamtime and connect with someone.

The "Dreamtime" that I'm referring to is the inter-connection of all living things and all that is. What could be more Christian? We are all one, we are all made from the hand of God.

Someplace I ran away from the dogma to look at the spirit. It found me, it always knew where I was. Spirit always knew I needed a little bit more than a few quick chants and a ceremony to get me through. In the last 9 years my world has moved from the two distinct hemi-spheres of "physical" reality and "fatih" to a continum where both intertwine in the middle.

Much healthier, much more balanced.

Last spring the "Sleeper in the Blue Room" began calling me. I didn't even realized I was being "called". Strange dreams. Pops of insight that flew through my mind. Then there was the dreaming. I had a series of repeating dreams about a WWII flyer from the RAF. In the dream I could see a familiar face, I could make out the time of year, the unit and other details. I could also make out that the flyer had been killed in a freak accident.

I looked up the unit, the month, the year, and the losses. I found my flyboy's name and how he died.

The dreams continued, I saw the accident. I saw him die. My heart broke with loss and longing.

Somehow "I" have known and loved the "Flyboy"even though he died 22 years before I was born. Somehow the "Sleeper" and the "Flyboy" are tied together. I think perhaps they are one and the same. Or perhaps they "Flyboy" was me. We are all intertwined somehow.

A few weeks before Christmas I was searching the web for pictures of Spitfires and Hurricanes, trying to find a photo of the plane from my dreams. I found a 2008 photo that looked like the "Sleeper" in the cockpit of a Spitfire hurtling across the sky.

As Hunter S. Thompson said "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro."

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I couldn't half use a drink. . .

Somebody is playing the anvil chorus in my head and they're using real anvils.

The physical world and the veterans administration have been taking up too much of my attention for me to do much on my look around for the "dreamer from the blue room".

Right now I could use to get drunk and get laid. But that's not a polite thing to say. So pretend I didn't.

Tonight is another journey group. Perhaps I'll see the man from the "blue room" again. I should give him some other name. I've had a first name I've called him by but I don't want to confuse the issue with it.

Who, what, and where ever he is I hope he's having a better week of it than I am.